John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army
Charity No. 1081578
Charity No. 1081578
Jesus Is The Answer
Much love in our dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I have just finished a study on the book of Job, and how intimately it is tied to the New Testament.
We as followers of Jesus are not exempt from pain and suffering, I myself have been facing cancer for two years, as well as all the other pains as we get older. Such as opening a bag of crisps, unscrewing a jar of jam or changing a light bulb, when you’re shoulders won’t let you.
It’s one pain on top of many others, then you get the news you have cancer, it can be a painful experience that could put you down in the dust with Job. We can feel sorry for ourselves.
We may think that God doesn’t hear us when we pray, because we have fallen short of His high standard of Holy living. If we have trusted Jesus Christ for our salvation, wonderfully God has forgiven us, even when we feel our prayers are not being answered.
He still hears and answers in His good time, although they may not be what we expect.
Instead of looking at God in the shadow of our problem, let’s look at the problem in the light of God’s love and power, for He’s able to do more than we can imagine, and bring about our healing and restoration. I’ve just got the all clear from cancer, Praise the Lord.
As I said in the beginning, Job and the New Testament are intimately tied because Job’s and our problems are answered perfectly in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Subject ( ref:Job) (Jesus is the answer)
-Someone must help us approach God (Job 9:32-33). (1 Tim 2:5).
– Is there life after death? (Job 14:14).(John 11:25).
-There is one in heaven working on our behalf,(Job 16:19) (Hebrews 9:24).
-There is one who can save us from judgment (Job 19:25).( Hebrews 7:24-25).
-Where can we find God. (Job 23:3-5).(John 14:9).
-What is important in life. (Job 21:7-15). (Math 16:25-26 & John 3:16).
Check it out for yourselves!!! and be encouraged.
Healing and safety and love be yours Mick.
Autumn, a time for gathering in
Many of us like to grow our own vegetables and fruit. Now is the time that we look forward to har-vesting the fruit of our labours. It is always good to thank the Lord for His abundant provision, es-pecially when we eat our meals. It can be so easy to take God’s rich blessings for granted!
I am always reminded of the hymn by Henry Alford:-
Come ye thankful people come
Raise the song of harvest home
All is safely gathered in
Ere the Winter storms begin
God our maker doth provide
For our wants to be supplied
Come to God’s own temple, come
Raise the song of harvest home
Verse two refers to us being holy and pure.
Verse three refers to the end of the age when God shall come.
Verse four refers to the church triumphant now in heaven.
Jesus said “ that the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few”. Matt 9v37.
During this difficult time of dealing with the Covid situation it has had a great effect on our lives in what we could or could not do. Sharing Christian fellowship face to face has also come with it’s
difficulties but praise our God who has (so far) seen us safely through.
There are many opportunities to share the good news if we are willing, and often in practical ways.
We are so grateful for the faithful support given to the “Godbus” outreach. Your prayers and financial support is greatly appreciated.
Another hymn comes to mind written by Edward Joseph Burns that starts with the phrase:-
We have a gospel to proclaim good news for men in all the earth
The gospel of a Saviours name: we sing His glory, tell His worth.
May our zeal for our dear Lord and His gospel never wane.
Every blessing, Roy.
Count your Blessings
Recently I seem to be reading or hearing about counting your blessings. Some days it is hard to count our blessings, whether we be in chronic pain, the loss of someone close, or feeling lonely, when life seems too much especially in the night when things look bleak and we cannot sleep for whatever reason. But we are all precious in God’s sight and he wants to comfort us in these times.
There is so much to be thankful for, the sunshine, the flowers which are amazing especially when you look closely at the details in each one of them, the trees, the clouds all so different. We are thankful for our Church family, especially when our own family live far away or we live on our own. Also, friends can be a real blessing, and especially for God always being there for us.
Perhaps if at the end of the day we could write down our blessings, however small or big and think of the lovely chorus from the old hymn. “Count your blessings name them one by one, Count your blessings see what God has done; Count your blessings name then one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”- Heather.
May God’s blessing be with you all. From the team & trustees.
We pray that you may be encouraged in the Lord and experience the peace of His word in your hearts.
Thank you for your continued interest and we give praise to the dear Lord, Amen.