Aug 012012



John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army

Charity No. 1081578
Autumn 2012 NEWSLETTER

If you would prefer to receive our newsletter by e-mail then please reply to any of the contacts as shown below.

This has been a difficult year, first a hernia repair and then a broken ankle. Praise the Lord, good has come out of it as other team members now drive the bus. While I was waiting for the news to start on TV, a programme called Xtra factor was on. A girl’s mother and family said how wonderful her daughter was, but quite honestly she could not make a noise tunefully. Needless to say, she was torn to pieces by the judges, audience and millions of people. It would have been more loving of her mum and family to say ‘Sorry love but you haven’t got a good voice’, rather than humiliate her in front of millions. It made me think about today’s church, how it is reluctant to correct someone when what they’re doing will end in disappointment or even tragedy. Instead of speaking to them in love it’s left to God, when clearly He has given those in authority a responsibility to correct in the love of Jesus Christ.
We spoke to a 27-year-old about their life and as a result they re-dedicated their life to the Lord Jesus Christ – there’s nothing like the thrill of faith.

Quote: – Samuel Chadwick 1860-1932 wrote: –
‘Why does the church stay indoors?
They have a theology that has dwindled into a philosophy, in which there is no thrill in faith, no terror of doom and no concern for souls.
Unbelief has put out the fires of passion and worldliness garlands the altar of sacrifice with the tawdry glitter of unreality.
If we leave the “C” out of commission we have omission, let us be faithful in our Christ mission’.
With love Mick.
Once again the shows have been a great success for which we praise and thank the Lord.
New people joining the team this year with their skills has been a great asset.
Renewing friendships with Island people and those on holiday whose first stop is the God Pod, it’s always a real blessed time.
Every blessing Annie.

Forthcoming Events & Dates

Please see below for the details of forthcoming visit of Paul Carter who will continue with the teaching weekends.

Teaching Weekends– Paul Carter:- Continue with Book of Revelation (Fri/Sat)
Friday 19th October 7.30pm Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road))
Saturday 20th October 9.30am Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road)
Sunday 21st October 11.30am Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road) – Elim Church
Sunday 21st October 6.30pm Ryde Elim Church, Albert Street, Ryde.
See the website
Friday 30th November 7.30pm Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road))
Saturday 1st December 9.30am Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road)
Sunday 2nd December 11.30am Ryde Methodist (Garfield Road)
Sunday 2nd December 6.30pm Lake Green Mission

We value your prayers and remain thankful for the kind gifts through God’s people.

If anyone would like to join the prayer clock to pray 1 x 15minute prayer slot per day or more, then please contact Dave Sibley on:- 854903 / 07967912226 or e-mail at

Pray for Repentance

“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbours, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep, which was lost!’ I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”
As the Godpod and others go out offering the hand of the Saviour – please PRAY for young people who will be out on the streets and drinking alcohol to the extreme. Pray for the government who make the licensing laws and also the drinks companies who make and promote alcohol. Pray for the police and family members who deal with the fall out. Please pray for repentance.

– Love Mandy

Time Moves On But God Never Changes

We are fast approaching the end of another year. Many of us face changing scenes of life, challenges and loss. We are not devoid of trials as the Lord’s people and the unrelenting path of time can be daunting. The world continues in a collision course with eternity; mankind continues to spiral in the wrong direction when it continues without Christ; the nations plot and rage as the race of history unfolds. One thing is certain though through it all, – ‘His-story’ will unfold!

We serve a living sovereign God and creator who knows the end from the beginning. He is not taken by surprise and His plans are always perfect. He has made Himself known to us in the person of His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has revealed His eternal love to us through the cross and that finished work of redemption. God is pleased to save completely every repentant sinner who comes to Jesus. Just to contemplate that, we realise how much we have needed that wonderful salvation and continue to need His mercy every day. When we realise that, we become aware of a dying world that is in dire need of an outpouring of the power of God in it,’s midst. These things can only fuel our path to the throne of grace to seek God in worship, awe and renewed trust.

Quote: All of our times are in our Redeemer’s hands!

That same Redeemer who carried our sorrows in His heart; our curse and sins on His soul; our cross on His shoulder; who died; who rose again; who lives and intercedes for us, and who will gather all His ransomed around Him in glory — is your Guardian and your Guide!

Your times are in the hands of Him who still bears the print of the nails! – Octavius Winslow.

God bless you and those you love, from the Bus team and Trustees.

 Posted by at 9:20 am