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John 3:16For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. |
Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
Summer 2013 NEWSLETTER
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
If you would prefer to receive our quarterly newsletter by e-mail, then please reply to any of the contacts as shown below.
“The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two edged sword…’ Hebrews 4: 12 GNB.
Earlier this year I celebrated my 79th birthday. It’s strange how the years go by and it seems like yesterday since I joined the God-pod team in Ventnor. There have been many countless hours since then, twice a week for 14 years, each minute well worth it.
Sometimes the Lord has blessed us to see someone drawn to Himself and we rejoice in that, but mostly it is a matter of love and patience when we talk to people about the love of Jesus. Our main function at all times is to sow the seeds of truth as contained in the scriptures and to keep planting continually.
Prayer is very important and a lot of time is spent praying for people and for this island amongst other things, as we are led. We all know that God moves through the prayer of His people.
This Easter we have had two teams going out around the island, one team walking the cross and the other visiting our towns singing and praising the Lord while also explaining the proper meaning of Easter. It was good to have a few other folk join us on some of these days, for which we thank the Lord.
Although I am now getting ancient, I hope to continue on the bus for as long as the Lord provides me with good health and strength. After all, our lives are in His hands, no matter how old, or young, we are. After these 14 years I would say I still feel like a novice. Remember that Moses did not begin his ministry until he was 80 years old. If you would like to come and see us or would like to come out with us then contact any of the numbers on this newsletter. With that, I will close for now – Bernard Penney (Trustee and Team member)
Teaching Series June 2013: Continuing the study of the book of Revelation.
Day |
Date |
Time |
Venues |
Paul Carter Teaching Weekend 2: 2013 | ||||
Friday |
21/06/13 |
7.30pm |
Lake Green Christian Mission, Percy Road, Sandown. | |
Saturday |
22/06/13 |
9.30am |
Lake Green Christian Mission, Percy Road, Sandown. | |
Sunday |
23/06/13 |
11.30am |
Ryde Elim at Garfield Road Methodist Church. | |
Sunday |
23/06/13 |
6.45pm |
Bethany Church Union Street Newport. | |
Weekly Bus Outreach Times for ongoing evening outreach:
Mondays Ryde front – Western Gardens from 7.00pm
Tuesdays Freshwater – Moa Place car park from 7.00pm
Wednesdays Wroxall – Station Road car park from 7.00pm
Thursdays Newport – Church Litten car Park from 6.00pm
Fridays Newport – Church Litten car park from 6.00pm
Our aim, God willing, in the near future is to start the bus outreach in Shanklin on Thursday evenings.
Prayer Clock
I would like to thank everyone on the prayer clock for their ongoing commitment, prayer is so important, so please continue to pray for the bus outreach, and the work that is done. Can you please pray for the shows that we are attending. God Bless you all.
I would just like to share some experiences we had during the Easter outreach, firstly during our time of singing worship songs and presenting the sketch board, a group of people sat by us the whole time, when we had finished, they thanked us and said how nice it was and how much they had enjoyed it. One lady wanted to know more and we were able to share with her our reasons for what we were doing and why. She told us that she believes there is a heaven and a place of darkness and torment, known as hell.
We told her about the bus outreach, and her son who was with her said that he had often been on the bus when in Newport. We gave her some leaflets to read and she was happy for us to pray for her. As we were packing away our equipment, she asked if she could sing a song for us, and with that she sang in a lovely voice “Yes Jesus loves me”. We left feeling that what we do is really rewarding! At our next venue later on that day, we had quite a different experience, as we were again preaching with the sketch board, two people sat down and listened to what was being said. A group of boys were near to us doing a spot of fishing and watching the sketch board, they were quite happy to openly admit they believed that there is a heaven and a hell, up until this. others listening nearby quite intently were agreeing with what had been said, then the word “hell” was mentioned, with that they got up from their seat and told us we were wrong. They quickly walked away!. That day we saw two totally different reactions to the truth.
Dave and Lin
If anyone would like to join the prayer clock to pray a regular 15 minute prayer slot or more each day, then please contact Dave Sibley on:- 854903 / 07967912226 or e-mail at dave_lin@hotmail.co.uk
The Continuing Work
Greetings, we would like to thank everybody for their prayers for the Easter outreach in terms of fruit. The Lord knows who was saved and as far as we are concerned it was a season for sowing for which we are ever grateful to the dear Lord and His people.
We had a superb day sharing at the Bembridge Street Fair this bank holiday Monday and the dear Lord blessed us with lovely weather indeed. We are thankful to the organisers of this event for making us room to take part and thanks to those who came and shared fellowship with us. We are at present trying to find a parking space for The God Pod and also storage for our show equipment. The owner of our present parking spot now has planning permission for change of use. We continually present the outreach to the Lord to see if He wants us to continue witnessing and the answer to our prayer is that people are still coming to the God Pod seeking Salvation. Praise The Lord! So… we will continue.
May the Lord bless you and your families from husband and wife team Mick and Annie.
Sincere Thanks For Faithful Giving
We wish to express our sincere thanks for all the faithful support we receive and appreciate the regular donations and direct debit giving. It is most important that we say “Thank you”. Without this support we would be very limited in our outreach for the Lord.
Grateful thanks to you.
God bless Roy
Let us but feel that He has His heart set upon us, that He is watching us from those heavens with tender interest, that He is following us day by day as a mother follows her babe in his first attempt to walk alone, that He has set His love upon us, and in spite of ourselves is working out for us His higher will and blessing, as far as we will let Him – and then nothing can discourage us.
A.B. Simpson
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your loved ones now and always, from all the Team and Trustees.