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John 3:16For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. |
Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
Spring 2014 NEWSLETTER
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
If you would prefer to receive our quarterly newsletter by e-mail, then please reply to any of the contacts as shown below.
‘In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.’ – 1 John: 9, 10.
Update from Mick & Anne
We look forward at this time of the year to celebrating the Risen Lord at Easter time.
I thank the Lord for his goodness and kindness towards me at a time when I needed Him most. I also thank everyone who were praying for me and all seems to be well once again with no lasting effects. So we pick ourselves up and start again always trusting in Him and His kindness and faithfulness. Every Blessing – Annie.
Easter is fast approaching and what a lovely time it is. I was watching a little Jenny Wren darting about looking for food, a Robin and a Blackbird. God’s creation is coming to life, the trees are budding their life flow moving. It all made me think of the life given us in the Lord Jesus. His first bed was of straw and those wrinkled hands soon became calloused in Joseph’s wood working shop. He loved the countryside touching individuals, preaching to crowds and training twelve blokes to carry on His work. He was hounded on every side by religious leaders, seeking to rid the world of His influence, then finally falsely accused, tried and condemned to a disgraceful execution by foreign hands.
He died, was spat on, cursed, pierced by nails and hung heaven ward for all to deride. He ransomed His life that we might live! At God’s appointed time the risen, ascended Lord Jesus Christ will burst onto the world scene. Everyone will know that Jesus is the Lord of the universe. Those who love Him will greet Him with hearts overflowing with joy and praise but those who don’t know Him will be terrified. That’s why we carry the cross around the Island, to bring hope to those that other wise would perish.
May the dear Lord raise us above our circumstances to love and serve Him.
The blessing of Easter be yours – Mick.
The Gift of Prayer
Recently I had the shock of being told that I needed to have a vital operation or face ending up in a wheelchair! On what I thought was a routine appointment over SGH, I was told that I needed an operation on my back the following morning. On hearing this I was in a state of shock and after some discussion with the specialists with my wife Lin, I was admitted for the op the following morning. My family phoned around and got some prayer going for me. I can honestly say that I was scared. I prayed for the Lord’s strength to help me through the next few days. I knew that a lot of people were praying for my family and me. The morning of the operation I was praying and asking the Lord to protect my mind during the procedure. As I was wheeled into theatre, I was greeted by the anaesthetist who was a lady who I knew from our church. I knew then that the Lord was indeed watching over me. Later that evening I was in intensive care and she came and sat with me holding my hand praying for me. I told her the Lord had answered my prayers. I urge you all to keep praying, as it is a most powerful thing we have. The Lord Jesus is there for us all and we all need to put our trust in Him. He gave up His life for us, so that is our greatest reason to spend time in prayer. God Bless – Dave, Lin, Ayden, Shannon & Megan.
If anyone would like to join the prayer clock to pray a 15 minute prayer slot or more per day, then please contact Dave Sibley on:- 854903 / 07967912226 or e-mail at dave_lin@hotmail.co.uk.
Word from Heather
I have now been a Trustee/Secretary for quite a few years for the God Bus, but have never actually been out on the bus. I feel it must be quite hard for the team after having probably a hard day, to turn out in all weathers, especially on the dark nights of winter when they could be at home in the warm. I know each one of them goes out because they love the Lord and want to see young and old alike come to know Jesus as their own Saviour. I feel that it is very important to back them up with our prayers, which makes an awful lot of difference. Situations on the bus can become difficult on occasions, but the joy when someone comes to know Jesus as their Saviour is worth all the aggro that they have to put up with at times. So, please remember in your prayers the members of the team as they go out at night, and the Trustees that they make the right decisions regarding the running of the bus.
Note from Roy
Life has its ups and downs, it’s joys and sorrows, it’s trials and testing. Whatever we are facing the Lord has promised to “Never leave us or forsake us” – a faithful saying we can fully rely on! It is often through life’s difficulties that we learn to lean on the Lord. This year so far has been a more intense time of testing for us as an outreach. Several members are dealing with health issues and other problems. We know it is only by God’s grace that we will overcome and that He is able to “work together for good” His purpose in it all. Do pray for us as we seek the Lord’s direction. Thank you for your support and interest – Roy.
Looking ahead
Easter is drawing very close once again and as an outreach continuing with the walking of the cross around the island. If you would like to know more about this or interested in joining us for a leg of the journey then call any of the numbers shown on this newsletter. The days and times also can be found on our website www.godpod.org.uk. This starts on Sunday 13/4/14 until Thursday 17/4/14 and then on the Friday meeting for open-air witness in St James Square, Newport.
We look forward also to Paul Carter joining us again for teaching and speaking engagements. The dates can also be found on the website. The first weekend this year commences with Friday 28th March 7.30pm and then Saturday 29th March 9.30am at Lake Green Mission, Percy Road, Lake. On Sunday 30th March, Paul will be speaking at St Paul’s Church, Shanklin 10.30am and Lake Green Mission 6.30pm.
May the Lord’s grace abide with you and your loved ones – The Team and Trustees.