Mar 072016



John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army

Charity No. 1081578
Spring 2016 NEWSLETTER

Charity No. 1081578

I’m writing this looking out of the kitchen window at all the birds feeding, sparrows, blue tits, starlings and now a gold finch, what a beautiful little bird with fantastic plumage. Praise the Lord! The sun is now shining on the dogwood. That lovely crimson red colour reminds me of this time of year when one day in “His- tory”, that another piece of wood was coloured with crimson – that blessed cross of Calvary. What an unspeakable act of Love! This another wonderful act of God’s blessing, in that He should choose to save us, feed us, protect us and give us breath every day so that we may enjoy Him and all that He has created.
For me to take up the cross and witness to His Glory with my brothers is a most humbling experience, for I know what I am! So, I thank the dear Lord for His sovereign divine mercy and plenteous Grace. Showers of blessings be yours this Easter.
God Bless, Mick.
Easter is fast approaching and many of us will be reflecting on the price that was paid to redeem us from our sins by our Lord Jesus Christ. It cost Him dear! I often think about that moment when Jesus was separated from His father bearing our sins on the cross. He had never known a separation from His father until now on the cross and so He cried out “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” We who trust in Jesus will never need to experience that separation for ourselves, for it is by grace that we are saved. Why should Jesus the perfect one have taken our place? The scripture says “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life” John 3:16. May this Easter be for us all a time to reflect and to give thanks for God’s most precious gift the salvation of our souls.

Every blessing, Roy.

Bus Outreach Times for Each Evening
Mondays 7pm – Ryde Western gardens (Ryde Esplanade)
Tuesdays 7pm – Freshwater Moa Place Car Park
Wednesdays 7pm – Wroxall Station Road Car Park
Thursdays 7pm – Shanklin Main Co-op Side Car Park
Fridays 6pm – Newport Church Litten Car Park

Prayer Clock
Philippians 4:6-7 ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ’.
Thank you all for your continued prayerful support. As we know prayer is so important, please continue to pray for the team members and the venues that we attend each night.
We have a monthly prayer meeting on the bus at one of the venues as above. Anyone wanting to come along will always be welcome, between the times of 7-8pm. Or should you have a specific need for prayer then please contact on phone no: 01983 854903 mobile 07746 212554

Blessings to you all, Dave & Lin – Prayer co-ordinators.

Teaching Weekends – Paul Carter
This year we look forward to receiving Paul once more for 4 weekends, the Lord willing. Below is listed the first 2 of these. Further dates can be seen on our website Anyone is welcome to come and join with us. For more info please phone one of the team.
– Friday 08/04/2016 7.30pm Wayfarers Fellowship, Castle Street, Carisbrooke.
– Saturday 09/04/2016 9.30am Wayfarers Fellowship, Castle Street, Carisbrooke.
– Sunday 10/04/2016 9.45am St Paul’s, Shanklin.
– Sunday 10/04/2016 6.30pm Ryde Elim, Albert Street, Ryde.
– Friday 20/05/2016 7.30pm Wayfarers Fellowship, Castle Street, Carisbrooke.
– Saturday 21/05/2016 9.30am Wayfarers Fellowship, Castle Street, Carisbrooke.
– Sunday 22/05/2016 10.30am Wayfarers Fellowship, Castle Street, Carisbrooke.
– Sunday 22/05/2016 6.30pm Lake Green Mission, Percy Road, Lake.
Outreach Events – Easter and May Bank Holiday
We pray that there will be further opportunities for seed sowing and witness in 2016. Easter is earlier this year for us carrying the cross and street witness. We commence following the usual route around the island on Sunday 20th March. Continuing on Monday to Thursday followed by street witness on Good Friday in St James’ Square, Newport. Saturday will be a day of rest. On Easter Sunday morning we finish with the final leg.
God willing, we also aim to take the bus over to the Bembridge Street Fayre for the annual end of May bank holiday family event.
May the Lord’s grace be with you and your loved ones.

 Posted by at 8:27 pm
Mar 052016



John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army

Charity No. 1081578
Winter 2015 NEWSLETTER

Charity No. 1081578

‘For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice, from that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. – Isaiah 9: 6, 7. NKJV.

Christmas Greetings
I would like to thank all of you who have supported us in prayer, giving and fellowship again this year. We thank the Lord that we were able to finish all the shows and are now looking forward to the greatest event the world has ever known. This was when a young girl presented a Saviour to the world, what a wonderful present from a loving God all wrapped in clothes John 3v16 “for God so loved”, He gave the world the greatest present. ”For Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”, that’s all of us. For those of us who have accepted this present there is an indescribable wonderment of his birth, a joy that washes over the soul and a peace out of this world. The Westminster shorter catechism asks the question: What is the chief end of man? – The answer: ‘man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever’. It only becomes a gift if we accept the present. Let us join with the heavenly hosts and the shepherds in praising God and giving Him glory. Then let us spread the word that we have read concerning this child. Thank God for the precious GIFT of salvation.
Peace and Joy to you all. Mick and Annie

Memories of Christmas Past
When I was a young man I used to play in the local Salvation Army band. Christmas time was always special as we would go around Newport, visit the hospitals and play all the traditional carols. We were always warmly received and it was a good time to share about God’s most precious gift of His Son Jesus Christ. Christmas then was not so commercialised as it is today where the true meaning of the season has been lost or hidden for most people.
It is astonishing that God out of His mercy and love has made a way for us “sinners” to be reconciled to Himself through the death, resurrection and ascension of His Son Jesus Christ to give us a personal relationship now and for all eternity. For many of us who are older, we can be tempted to look back and reflect on the past as better than it was, but no matter how long we live on this earth our dear Saviour will remain close to us. He is the gift that we should value above all others.
Have a blessed Christmas, Roy.

Bus Outreach Times for Each Evening
Mondays 7pm – Ryde Western gardens (Ryde Esplanade)
Tuesdays 7pm – Freshwater Moa Place Car Park
Wednesdays 7pm – Wroxall Station Road Car Park
Thursdays 7pm – Shanklin Main Co-op Side Car Park
Fridays 6pm – Newport Church Litten Car Park

Prayer Clock
Philippians 4:6-7 ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ’.
Thank you all for your continued prayerful support. As we know prayer is so important, please continue to pray for the team members and the venues that we attend each night.
We have a monthly prayer meeting on the bus at one of the venues as above. Anyone wanting to come along will always be welcome, between the times of 7-8pm. Or should you have a specific need for prayer then please contact on phone no 01983 854903 mobile 07746 212554

Blessings to you all Dave & Lin – Prayer clock co-ordinators.

A Warm Invitation from Bernard
“Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed “Romans 9 verse 33 – GNB

With winter comes the dark and cold evenings, but we would extend a warm welcome to you should you want to visit the bus in your location. Come and have a cup of tea and meet Mike and the team. All are very welcome.
Have a truly blessed Christmas.
Bernard G Penney (Trustee).
With Christmas approaching
I look back on my life and think of all those moments that made Christmas such a special time. I can remember being in a nativity play at school, playing one of the wise men, and also seeing my own children in the school plays. There is something magical hearing young children singing those carols we all sang as children. Nativity plays are a wonderful way to share the word of God. That wonderful gift, carried in the womb of a virgin, as Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 (NKJV) “ Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel”.
Jesus said “I am the light of the world”, and he is, in this dark fallen world that gets darker every day. That truly wonderful gift was born for us, how appropriate that the” Lamb of God” was born in a stable. Let’s give thanks for the best gift anyone can be given, and let us all think of the lonely, bereaved, addicted, homeless and all those in distress this Christmas.
Every blessing – Richard.
May the Lord’s grace be with you and your loved ones.

Have a very Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year – The Team and Trustees.

 Posted by at 2:08 pm