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John 3:16For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. |
Jesus Christ Witness God’s Victorious Army
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
Winter 2017 NEWSLETTER
Charity No. 1081578 www.godpod.org.uk
Rejoicing in Heaven
Grace, Peace and Love in the Lord Jesus Christ be yours this festive season. It was a great blessing about three weeks ago when a young man came into the bus at his wits end, having serious thoughts about ending his life, so we shared with him about the reason for this season – ‘Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners.’ Instead of his life ending, it has just begun; the dear Lord graciously saved him and has transformed his life. The change is as real as the difference between life and death, light and darkness. Truly we serve a wonderful, loving, kind, patient God through the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. “ To God be the glory great things He has done”. Every Blessing, Mick.
From the Chairman
It is my humble honour and proud privilege to become the chairman of the trustees for the God Bus and it is a position for which I have had no previous experience. I pray that the Lord will give me the wisdom, knowledge and the right qualities to fulfil my duties in serving this most dedicated army of warriors who work as a team. They support each other in prayer; give encouragement with their individual and different personal qualities.
The God Bus outreach consists of the team involved with the evening ministry over the five nights each week at different locations on the island, with the aim of ministering to people with their needs and spreading the Gospel message that the Lord has commanded them to do. The trustees and wives support the outreach especially in the Lord’s work of sharing His love at the Isle of Wight shows by (for example) painting the faces of children and sharing their love with the parents. With Gods’ grace and the power of the Holy Spirit given to each one, they have been able to continue this hard work with dedication, which is a testimony of the success of the last 25 years of the Lord’s work through them. May they be blessed in Jesus name.
Every blessing, Ken – Chairman
Baptism & Testimony
At the very start of my journey with Christ it was quite difficult, passing from the world to becoming a child of God. I struggled to leave behind my former ways and pursuits. I had experienced personal miracles yet had ignored his call often, but the time had come to listen; walk His path; to study his word and follow it, having to swallow that pride and accept I am not my own. He is worthy of my total trust. He knows what’s best for me, and as I abide in Him, He will never break his promise. Since then I couldn’t help but tell others about my faith, even strangers as I was led to, sharing the good news of Jesus and all he has done for us.
I was a Christian for just over 1 year, walking solo with Christ until I realised that I needed to be around other Christians who shared the same love for Him. I became lonely, and needed help in my journey, so I went from town to town and church to church, speaking to different types of people before one day around Easter time in Newport, I bumped into Mick and Richy. I had to ask what their belief was because months leading up to this I was having discussions with the JW’s, and being in the same area I thought they were with them, but after having a good conversation I was invited to the Wayfarers fellowship which I attended the following Sunday. It’s a smaller group than I’d previously experienced, but on arrival I felt so welcomed, and met lovely regular members. I loved the service which was solely scripture based teachings, with great hymns which I prefer opposed to some of what I’d previously encountered. (They make a lovely cup of tea with a good choice of biscuits afterwards too ha ha!). Since going there I haven’t looked back.’
‘For a long time I couldn’t wait to get baptised. I was holding out for an old mate of mine from Newcastle, also a born again Christian 15 years before myself. I thought it would be nice for him to do it for me from where I’m originally from, in Gods closest ocean of Tynemouth, but plans just kept falling through. As it was coming to the end of another summer and not wanting to wait until the next year, I asked Mick and Richy if they would mind baptising me and they jumped at the chance to do so. After about a fortnight or so of my asking, we met at Ventnor sea front, where on a chilly evening on the 3rd of October, a declaration was made that my sins were washed away! I was baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit before 14 people who came especially to share this time with me, and other bystanders going about their business, including a Christian couple on holiday that came over and introduced themselves. It was a cold but lovely evening, and I thank Mick and Richy for sharing the temperature of that water with me ha ha! God bless you my brothers’.
I thank Christ for what He’s done for me and continues to do, and also others around me where He has entered their heart and so changed their life for the better with His eternal salvation. He has promised to love and take care of us always, and unlike the enemy, He’s true to his word and will never ever break His promise to us, as testimonies, history, and science proves to us. He will also be there for all those whose hearts are opened to the truth of God’s love in Jesus everywhere. Every blessing Eric.
Urgent Prayer Need
I would ask for prayer please regarding a recent brain test result. The results were not good and not what I was expecting. I am having problems with my speech and balance at the moment, and waiting to see a specialist. As a Christian I still need continued prayer, as we are under attack at all times and as a believer I am still vulnerable. It is not only non believers that need prayer, we need just as much as everyone else.
‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’. – Phillipians (ch4: 6,7)
Thanks Dave.
May God Bless you and be with each of you this Christmas time and always.